Pepper Plantain


I’m Pepper Plantain and I love to draw whimsical stories that bring comfort to children and adults alike. I believe stories can heal us, comfort us in dark times, and teach us how to be human. Stories can transcend time and space and connect us to people everywhere. They can immerse us in worlds far different than our own and yet we will always find ourselves in them.

I believe all children should see themselves reflected in stories- their voices, bodies, fears and hopes are important to me. 

As a child, stories and art provided a safe haven for me in an unstable and unsafe environment. Now, as an illustrator and storyteller, I want to empower children to feel confident in themselves and to love themselves fiercely.

I love fantasy grounded in reality, life’s small and mundane pleasures, and the wild collective imagination of myths, folklore, legends and dreams. If you resonate with my words, please reach out! I am available for picture books, whether fiction or educational, character design and book cover design.
